H3820 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


03820leb {labe} 03824之一型;TWOT-1071a;阳性名词 AV-heart 508,mind 12,midst 11,understanding 10,hearted 7, wisdom 6,comfortably 4,well 4,considered 2,friendly 2, kindly 2,stouthearted +0472,care +077602,misc 21;;593


03820leb {labe} a form of 03824;TWOT-1071a;n m AV-heart 508,mind 12,midst 11,understanding 10,hearted 7, wisdom 6,comfortably 4,well 4,considered 2,friendly 2, kindly 2,stouthearted +0472,care +077602,misc 21;;593

1)inner man,mind,will,heart,understanding
-1a)inner part,midst
--1a1)midst (of things)
--1a2)heart (of man)
--1a3)soul,heart (of man)
--1a5)inclination,resolution,determination (of will)
--1a7)heart (of moral character)
--1a8)as seat of appetites
--1a9)as seat of emotions and passions
--1a10)as seat of courage